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Nothing Less Than the World
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Nothing Less Than the World
By D.A. Smith
The book is a work of fiction. Any people, places, things or events are fictional representations. None of the people, places, things or events should in any way be taken for factual representations.
Mature content
Cover Art by D.A. Smith
Copyright 2013
Chapter One
Alana walked through the misted graveyard at midnight. With glazed over eyes, moving like a puppet on strings, she was brought before the door of a tomb. It was the oldest grave in the cemetery. The mist around the tomb began to swirl and shift, and the ghostly outline of a woman who looked very similar to the raven-haired Alana formed in front of her.
Alana’s brown eyes cleared and she gave a small scream at finding herself in the graveyard facing the ghost instead of in her bed, “I must be having a nightmare.”
The ghost answered in a forlorn voice, “I wish you were but I’m afraid this is as real as it gets. As a living guardian, you must now take up your duties. I’m sorry you haven’t had anyone to prepare you but this is about the world. I’m afraid you must take up your birthright my great descendant.”
Alana felt her fear grow as she asked, “Who are you?”
The ghost responded, “I was Marilyn Freeman. I was the last guardian called up. I must now transfer my power to you and you must find that which threatens the world. I felt the disturbance begin three nights ago and began the process to bring you here.”
Alana displayed a little growing anger, “What if I refuse?”
Marilyn was ruthless in her response, “Then the world will end. That will be on you. I know it’s unfair but this is what we were made for. Alana Morgan you must take up my mantle and find that which threatens.”
Alana’s temper flared as she said, “Does my life mean nothing? I’m not going to do this. I love my life and I’m not taking the word of a ghost.”
The ghost moved a little closer and replied, “Then you must live with the knowledge that all you hold dear will be destroyed. I wouldn’t be doing this unless the disturbance required it.”
Alana started to cry as the ghost hit her in the one place that hurt. If her family was in danger she had no choice, “Who made us like this?”
Marilyn responded, “Forces you couldn’t comprehend. Most of the answers you need are located within the tomb. You must enter and accept my power. When you do you will understand.”
Alana struggled for several minutes. She felt like turning and running but if there was even the smallest possibility the ghost of her ancestor was telling the truth she couldn’t ignore it. Her parents, her brother and the three friends she grew up with would all be in danger and it would be her fault because she didn’t face it.
Alana dug deep and found a little courage. Stepping toward the door, it opened for her and she walked into the darkened tomb. The door shut leaving her in darkness for a short time. Her breathing became harder as fear began to mount then a glow began to emanate from the upper four corners of the room. In the center resided the resting place of Marilyn Freeman.
From behind came Marilyn’s voice, “Lie down on top of the coffin.”
Alana looked at the dusty coffin in disgust but climbed on top and lie down. Her heart was thumping hard as her fear was still very present. The only thing keeping her there was the thought her family would be destroyed if she didn’t do as she was told. After five minutes Alana felt ghostly hands reach through the coffin lid and grab her shoulders. Darkness blinded her for a moment then she saw a swirl of colored light. Her mind was being directed somewhere. When she felt the sensation of motion stop a field of red daisies surrounded her.
As she waited the solid looking form of Marilyn approached. Alana saw her clearly as a near twin to herself. A few differences were apparent around the eyes and mouth otherwise she could be watching herself walk across the field.
Marilyn stopped in front of her and just looked at Alana for a moment then her ancestor began, “We are the Kimitans. We were placed here by the forces that created the universe. Most of us live our lives as any other human. Occasionally dark forces rise up that threaten the world and when this happens it’s required for the living guardian to become active.”
Alana asked, “Why didn’t I know this could happen?”
Marilyn put her hands on the teenager’s shoulders, “Because it’s best for the guardians to live as any other human unless the need arises. The knowledge is only passed from the last active guardian to the new guardian.”
Alana, wide-eyed as Marilyn placed her hands on either side of the sixteen year olds’ head, watched scenes unfolding of Marilyn’s fight to save the world. It was done completely under the cover of mystery which was why it wasn’t general knowledge. Alana grew afraid of the monsters Marilyn had been forced to cut down; monsters that would have claimed the world had they been left unchecked. Then Alana felt something blossom in her chest. She felt the strength in the sensation. It grew to envelop her whole body then went back to residing in her chest.
Marilyn stepped back and continued, “That is your power. When you’re free to move again, you will find three open doors to the left of the coffin. Inside each door are the books that contain the knowledge for how to use the power. Also, when you get up, the lid will open. Take the sword from my hands. It will serve you as it served me.”
The black-haired girl responded with severity, “I know nothing about how to use a sword.”
Marilyn’s response was necessarily harsh, “Always keep in mind the consequences if you don’t learn. I’m not saying this to be cruel. It is just the truth. If you don’t learn how to use your power and the sword, you will fail and all you hold dear will be gone. This is an all or nothing fight; nothing in between. You are being called up because that which threatens cannot be dealt with by normal human measures.”
Alana asked, “Am I allowed to get help?”
Marilyn relied, “Be careful whom you talk to. Any others you bring in will be in danger. This is your fight and your responsibility. Be careful of humans who covet power. They cannot take your power from you but that may not stop them from trying. Trust is a delicate thing when others know you can do things they cannot.”
Alana said, “I saw your history. I watched you keep it under wraps. It’s much harder to do in my time.”
Marilyn returned her hands to the young girl’s shoulders, “You are only required to try. If the disturbance grows to the point where the general public becomes aware of it you can’t stop that. I only felt it begin three days ago. You have time but I don’t know where in the world it is. The only clue I can give you is, whatever it is will be magical in nature. The creatures I had to fight were called golems. They were magical constructs by an evil wizard bent on dominating the world. I had to fight him to end the golems because they just kept fighting even as I took arms and legs from them. I do not know what you will face but it’ll be magical and not something science can defeat.”
Alana cried out, “I’m afraid! I’m not a fighter. I had one fight in school and the girl beat me senseless.”
Marilyn responded, “If you always keep in mind what will happen if you’re not successful you will find your courage. Are you willing to be the guardian who lets the world end?”
Alana thought about that then asked, “Is there anything else you can tell me?”
Marilyn smiled, “Yes, I love you. We might never have met but you are my descendant and I do love you. When I let you go, my essence will be gone but remember, I am behind you. Dedicate yourself to learning, fight well and don’t let the world end.”
Alana felt her connection to the former guardian and it did make her feel a little bet
ter to hear that. Then she was seeing the swirling light carry her into darkness. She came back to herself as if waking from a dream. The only thing that let her know it wasn’t a dream was, she was in the tomb and not in bed at home. Her body felt a little stiff as she came down from the coffin.
As soon as both feet hit the ground the coffin lid slid to the side. Alana felt fear but forced herself to look within. She nearly gagged seeing the desiccated remains but reached in and took the sheathed sword from Marilyn’s grasp. As the sword cleared the sides of the coffin the lid slid back.
Looking at the walls she saw the three open doors on the opposite side of the coffin. Her instincts were pulling her to the one on the left and she pulled the first book out. Opening the thick book she read the first page:
“To the guardian who is opening these pages for the first time here are the rules. You are the only one allowed to read these. The doors must be locked before you can exit the tomb. Your first task is to learn the first spell on the next page. It is the means by which the doors to the books are made accessible. To begin your life as a Kimitan your first lesson is you must do your best to keep the evil disruption from becoming general knowledge to the world. Humanity does best when magic is limited. As much as you may fear your task remember that all you need to win resides within you. You may ask for help from a select few if you trust them enough but that which resides in you will ultimately make the difference. We created you to be champions of the world. We are behind you. Do not treat this as a punishment but as an opportunity to test yourself in an arena where there can only be two outcomes. Now turn to the next page.”
Alana turned the page. The page contained the words, “Keep your eyes open as you look at the doors. Feel the place within you where your power resides. Speak the word seal. When you come back to learn say unseal and the doors will open.”
Alana put the book inside then stepped back keeping all three doors in sight. She felt her power then said to the air “Seal” and watched as the doors closed with the outlines disappearing. As soon as the doors couldn’t be seen the tomb door opened. Alana felt better with the sensation of the clean air from outside.
Glancing at the sword in her arms she thought to leave it in the tomb but decided to take it with her as she walked through the graveyard in her nightgown and bare feet. The graveyard was well-tended so the grass was soft as she made her way to a grave marker a few rows over and looked at it, “I don’t know what to do Grandmother. It seems so unreal but at the same time do I dare ignore it? I wish I had some sign this was all real but I guess I’m meant to be alone in this.”
Alana felt her power activate and the voice of her deceased grandmother sounded in her ear, “Child we aren’t allowed to know in advance when great challenges come. You must look within and find your courage or all you hold dear will fall. I love you. Be strong and learn well.” Alana’s power went back to sleep and tears flowed down her face after hearing her beloved grandmother’s voice. Then she was walking back to her house.
The sixteen year old newly awakened guardian lived with her family in a two story home on the edge of Denver, Colorado. The graveyard was only two blocks away from her house. As she looked on her home she wondered how Marilyn got her out without waking everyone. Alana followed her instincts to the backdoor and found it unlocked which told her this was how she left. After locking it she moved to the stairs and climbed. It was strange to open her parents’ door and not have her mom wake up. Her mom could usually hear a pin drop in the kitchen from a dead slumber. Alana saw her parent’s chests rise and fall and figured the magic used to get her out was still in effect.
Alana went to her brother’s room and looked on the fourteen year old who was one of her best friends even as he was a perfect pest to her at times. Looking at him Alana found her will to do this. She couldn’t let the world end when her brother had yet to have a chance to really live. She went into her room and opened her closet. She shifted her things around until she could hide the sword then lay down. It took her almost an hour to settle enough to sleep.
The dream began.
Alana watched from a distance as a group of twenty-one hooded and robed figures stood in a circle. They were in what appeared to be an expensively decorated chamber. The objects she saw frightened her. She saw swords and rusted manacles with fresh blood on them. The carved figureheads that sat at the four cardinal directional points appeared to be some kind of demonic creature.
As she watched the circular pattern in the center of the floor spiraled outward and Alana screamed in her mind. She couldn’t be seen or heard by those in the room as she looked on the mutilated bodies of children. The way they were piled in the space she couldn’t tell how many there were. Even with her inexperienced eyes she could tell they died recently, as recently as three days ago.
The robed figures began a chant that hurt Alana’s ears. She had no physical ears or hands to cover them as the sound became jarring to her soul. The rite was being performed in Spanish so she couldn’t understand the words but the evil energy was hurting her as she bore witness. It took an hour and as the last haunting note exited the throats of the participants Alana watched twenty of the figures start to transform painfully. The young sixteen year old watched in horror as the robes wrapped around their wearers cocooning them. Then she watched as they shrunk into large eggs about the size of a soccer ball. The last participant turned to face a mirror in the room and Alana nearly went insane with the malignant presence in the mirror. She watched as a large eye that took up almost the whole mirror appeared.
The voice that spoke to the man did so in Spanish but Alana got the translation, “Well done Quionnes. The souls of the children tasted fantastic. Your reward is before you. The eggs will require two years to mature but when they hatch you will have your force. The Draklings cannot be harmed by any scientific means, only magic can harm them. Be aware if the guardian becomes active. He or she will be your only threat.”
Alana heard a response in Spanish. She caught the last word which sounded like a name; Tortan. Then she heard from the mirror, “When you have collected them I will be ready.”
The black-haired girl awoke just before dawn with her heart beating hard from her fear. If what Alana saw was true she really was the only one who can stop it. She had two years before those eggs hatched to learn everything she could. She didn’t know her human nemesis as his or her face had been covered the whole time. She didn’t know what was to be collected but knew she had to be ready.
Alana curled into a fetal position and just tried to find her courage to get out of bed. It was so unfair that she was to devote her life to this but the faces of those she loved flashed through her mind. Getting up Alana took her shower then got ready for school. It hurt that she couldn’t share this yet but she needed to be absolutely sure of anybody she told even those of her family.
Alana Morgan sat at the breakfast table and watched her family come into the kitchen one at a time as she tried to choke down some eggs and toast.
Deana Morgan, her raven-haired mother said, “That’s the best night of sleep I‘ve had in a long time. Nothing woke me up all night.”
Billy Morgan, Alana’s sandy-haired brother responded, “I was fully out too. I feel great this morning.”
Alana was struggling not to scream as the great night they had from the spell that kept them asleep was just a reminder of the horror she found.
Thomas Morgan, the older version of his son, came in to sit as Alana’s mom placed his breakfast before him. Her dad looked on her and asked, “Are you okay, Sweetie? You look a little under the weather.”
Alana forced herself to perk up a bit, “Just had a bad night. I must be worrying about the test today. I‘ll be okay.”
Billy quipped, “For once mom and I sleep good and you’re the one who has the bad night. How bad can this test be?”
Alana threw a crust of bread at him and replied, “You try taking advanced trig then tell me not to worry.”
Thomas tried to sound stern with mirth decorating his eyes as his children got into a mild food fight at the table. Deana said with mock severity, “It must be nice to leave me with the task of cleaning that up since you need to get out the door.”
Billy got up and kissed his mom’s cheek, “Does that help?”
Deana grinned and said, “Only if the other miscreant will do the same.”
Alana got up kissed her mom’s cheek then she and Billy were in their dad’s truck. Alana thought about her life and how it had to change. She was generally a popular person and it was going to be hard to explain. They arrived at the school and Alana let her mind drift over what she usually did. She wondered if she could get away with taking a week to get used to this but her mind turned to her nightmare. Two years might seem like a long time but she didn’t even know where that place was. She had to learn how to use her sword, learn the magic then start hunting this evil before they hatched. She felt sure the only way she would keep the general populace from learning of it was for her to get to the eggs before they hatched. She found her friends and sat with them as she usually did but she was distant.
Heather Vincent, her best friend, waved her hands in front of Alana’s face and said, “Earth to Alana. Are you okay?”
The raven-haired beauty replied, “I guess I’m worried about the trig test.”
Heather made sure Alana was looking in her eyes, “Get yourself out of that mind of yours and listen. Larry Taylor just asked me out. He wants to take me to the movies on Friday.”
Alana tried to let herself be distracted, “Did you say yes? You better have or I will beat you senseless. You’ve wanted him to ask you for weeks now so you better not have backed out.”
Heather asked, “Why the sudden intensity?”
Alana responded vaguely, “You never know when things will turn bad, take the good when you can. I love you and want to see you take advantage of every possible good that comes to you.”